Workshop on Mathematical Signal Processing
Scope of the Workshop
Topics of particular interest include machine learning, phase and low-rank recovery, and graph signal processing. We aim to provide a forum for the presentation of recent developments in the area of mathematical signal and image processing, both to experienced and to junior researchers. We will have both plenary and contributed talks, as well as a poster session.
List of confirmed plenary speakers
Rima Alaifari (ETH Zürich)
Helmut Bölcskei (ETH Zürich)
Mahya Ghandehari (University of Delaware)
Philipp Grohs (University of Vienna)
Gabriele Steidl (TU Berlin)
Rachel Ward (UT Austin, Microsoft)
Dates and deadlines
The workshop will take place in Aachen, from September 22 to September 25, 2025.
The deadline for registration is July 13, 2025.
Further details concerning registration, schedule, location etc. will be posted on this website soon.
The organizers can be contacted via workshop_msp_2025(at)
Benjamin Berkels (RWTH Aachen), Hartmut Führ (RWTH Aachen), Holger Rauhut (LMU Munich), Michael Schaub (RWTH Aachen)