Nonlinear Approximation, PDEs and High-Dimensional Problems

Workshop in honor of Wolfgang Dahmen

With his broad range of mathematical interests, Wolfgang Dahmen has made fundamental contributions on various types of nonlinear and adaptive approximations and innovative numerical methods for partial differential equations. The aim of this workshop is to gather the community of colleagues and collaborators who together with him have shaped these fields of research in recent years. 

The workshop will take place October 21 to 23, 2024, at RWTH Aachen (SuperC building).

Confirmed Speakers

  • Peter Binev, University of South Carolina
  • Claudio Canuto, Politecnico di Torino
  • Leszek Demkowicz, University of Texas at Austin
  • Ron DeVore, Texas A&M University
  • Matthieu Dolbeault, RWTH Aachen
  • Helmut Harbrecht, Universität Basel
  • Gitta Kutyniok, LMU München
  • Olga Mula, TU Eindhoven
  • Pencho Petrushev, University of South Carolina
  • Alexei Shadrin, University of Cambridge
  • Jonathan Siegel, Texas A&M University
  • Rob Stevenson, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Karsten Urban, Universität Ulm
  • Gerrit Welper, University of Central Florida

The workshop will start at 14:00 on Monday October 21st and end before 13:00 on Wednesday October 23rd. A welcome reception will take place on Monday (starting 18:00 at SuperC) and the workshop dinner on Tuesday, starting 19:30 at Restaurant Elisenbrunnen.

Details on the program will follow on this page soon.

Contact: workshopoct24(at)

Organizers: Markus Bachmayr, Albert Cohen, Michael Herty, Martin Grepl, Arnold Reusken